What does the Program do?
· Provide guidance (training should be provided locally).
· Support and emphasize partnerships between public governmental agencies and the private sector to include volunteer agencies, non governmental agencies (NGO), community-based organizations (CBO), faith based organizations and businesses.
· Maintain focus on all hazards disaster planning and management including terrorism.
· Require implementation and activation by local jurisdictions.
· Supplement current processes and procedures.
The Adopt-a-POD Program does not
· Guarantee POD locations and staff.
· Guarantee resources for POD operations or the resources provided to the public (food, water, etc).
· Replace any already existing or future programs or processes at the state or local jurisdiction.
State Emergency Management Division
· Assign a Program Administrator
· Program Administrator
o Establish and maintain standard procedures and implementing instructions to provide a uniform, statewide implementation of the Adopt-A-POD Program
o Provide, maintain and update all forms and training material for the Adopt-A-POD Program
o Provide materials, information packets, signs, logos, and any other items or materials used to implement and promote the Statewide Adopt-A-POD Program
o Contact each participating jurisdiction a minimum of once a year to monitor the program.
o Provide safety information and training aids to the participating jurisdictions for training of participating organizations.
o Furnish a POD kit for each identified POD location.
Local Jurisdiction
· Abide by all terms and conditions of any POD Intergovernmental Agreement.
· Maintain the Adopt-A-POD Program at the local level.
· Recruit participating organizations.
· Ensure all participating organizations abide by the terms and conditions of the agreement.
· Identify POD staffs and register them as necessary. Background checks are at the discretion of the local jurisdiction.
· Provide representative(s) to attend POD Manager Training.
· Provide training for POD Managers.
Participating Organization
· Provide a designated POD Manager.
· Abide by all terms and conditions of any agreement.
· Provide training to all identified POD staff.
· Conduct a functional or full-scale exercise of the POD a minimum of once a year.
· Ensure the safety of all POD staff and customers.
· Maintain and store the organization's assigned POD kit.
POD Manager
· Attend the POD Manager Training provided by the State EMD or local jurisdiction.
· Provide training for all participants using the safety information and training aids provided by the Program Administrator and local jurisdiction.
· Ensure all POD Staff is properly accounted for during training, exercises and actual activations.
· Some emergencies or disasters will occur with enough warning that appropriate notification will be issued to ensure some level of preparation. Other situations will occur with no advanced warning.
· A Catastrophic Event or series of concurrent smaller events will require a vast amount of emergency resources in order to respond to the emergency needs of affected communities.
· Citizens, businesses, state agencies, and industries will provide their own resources for the first three days; however, the need may exist to provide a limited amount of life sustaining resources to the community due to loss of infrastructure.
· Local jurisdictions will comply with all administrative codes regarding the program and operation of PODs.
· Local and State-owned resources, including personnel, will be exhausted quickly in a catastrophic event.
· Points of Distribution will be needed at the local level to support the distribution of life sustaining supplies to the community.
· Military (Department of Defense, Reserve Forces, National Guard, and State Militia) resources may not be available to support operations due to other national security missions.
· Local jurisdictions may not have the personnel available to staff Points of Distribution due to other emergency response roles and responsibilities.
· Citizens and businesses will be interested in supporting their communities by participating in this program.
Participation from jurisdictions
Any city, county, or tribal jurisdiction within the state may participate in the Adopt-a-POD program. To apply for participation, it is suggested that a jurisdiction provide a State POD Agreement Form. An example POD Organizational Agreement from the Washington State Emergency Management Division is included in this lesson.
The jurisdiction should identify the number of PODs by type and identify possible locations for PODs or at least identify the general areas of coverage needed. This information will help focus the jurisdiction to areas that require coverage.
Identify organizations to participate in the program.
· Promoting Sponsorship. Jurisdictions are encouraged to promote the Adopt-A-POD Program to identify potential participating organizations. This public outreach can include:
1. Letters to organizations
2. Newspaper Article
3. Community group meetings
· Sign-up. Upon identification of a participating organization, the following must be completed:
1. POD Agreement signed. A copy of the form is kept with the local jurisdiction.
2. POD Staff completes all necessary paperwork as defined by the state or local jurisdiction.
3. POD Kit is delivered, inventoried, and signed for.
4. One or two "POD Managers" are identified. These POD Managers should attend POD Training within three months of the agreement (as available).
· POD Manager Training. Jurisdictions will provide POD Manager Training.
· Bi-Annual Update. Upon completion of the two year obligation, if a participating organization wishes to renew their agreement, the local jurisdiction has the option of renewing the agreement. A new agreement will be signed and kept on file. If the participating organization does not wish to renew the agreement, the POD Kit will be returned to the jurisdiction.
Participation from organizations
Organizations that wish to adopt a POD should contact their local emergency
management agency. The Organization can provide staff or staff and a location for the POD. The local emergency management agency makes the determination if the location fits the requirements as a POD and meets the intent of the jurisdiction's POD forecast model.
Upon notification that the POD site is suitable, the participating organization will identify a POD Manager, sign the Adopt-A-POD agreement, and pick up their POD Kit.